Item number REDEEMS items
1 Study rationale
a State the biomarker under study (including nature of the specimen)
b Describe the biological hypothesis(/es) tested*
2 Ascertainment of delirium
a Describe the training and/or credentials of personnel who ascertained delirium cases
b Specify the delirium tool and/or diagnostic process that was used to ascertain cases
c Describe frequency, timing and duration of delirium assessment
3 Outcome measures
a Define and justify all clinical endpoint(s) and their measures (including relationship to delirium where relevant)
4 Assay procedure
a Specify the assay method used with a detailed protocol that includes reagents/kits
b Describe the methods of preservation, storage and processing of the biological sample
c Describe the assay validation method for repeatability and robustness including the sensitivity limits of the assay
d Specify the inter- and intra- assay coefficients of variation
e Specify the method of blinding biomarker results
5 Timing of collection of the biological sample
a Precisely describe the time of collection of the biological sample in relation to delirium (onset, presence, resolution)
b Provide a rationale for the timing of the sample collection based on the clinical scenario, the hypothesis being tested, and/or the study design
6 Confounding variables
a State the confounding variables assessed and whether or not they were specified a priori
b Clearly define and provide justification for the confounding variables (including the relationship to delirium where relevant)
7 Sample size
a Describe how sample size was determined and provide a rationale
8 Statistical analysis
a Account for clinical and biomarker missing data in the analysis plan based on the design of the study
b State how confounding variables were accounted for in the analysis
9 Univariate and multivariable analysis
a Report the estimated effect size or the p values with their Confidence Intervals (CI)
b Specify whether the biomarker was dichotomised using a cut-point and/or threshold
c Specify the number of included participants and reasons for attrition or missing data
d Describe how model assumptions were verified (multivariable)